Reviving Old Structures with Organic Design: Leshan Sales Center

Wen Li Chang's Award-Winning Design Breathes Life into an Old Sugar Factory Warehouse

In a world where sustainability and ecological consciousness are increasingly important, Wen Li Chang's design for the Leshan Sales Center stands out. This innovative project, which transforms an old sugar factory warehouse into a vibrant, forest-inspired space, won the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2019.

Wen Li Chang's design vision was inspired by the concept of "Planting a tree that will grow into a forest on the mountain." This central idea, which resonated with the client's environmental consciousness, guided the transformation of the old structure into a space of lush vitality. The design mimics the contours of a mountain cohabited with plants, creating a seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.

The unique properties of this design lie in its organic, ecological mimicry. The void and solid coexist, layered with herbs and bushes, creating an immersive experience of being in a forest. The design's strength lies in its ability to transform an old structure into a vibrant, organic space without causing any damage to the original structure.

The realization of this design involved the use of six modularized wooden panels, each varying in length but maintaining a consistent thickness and width. These panels were used to create the illusion of trees growing within the space, each one carefully constructed and fixed to the main structure. The extended panels were elongated through glues and suspension cables, creating the appearance of a forest canopy.

The Leshan Sales Center, located in Pingtung City, Taiwan, was completed within a month, from October to November 2018. Despite the short timeframe, the design team managed to create a dynamic and engaging space that continues to attract visitors. The design was realized without causing any damage to the original structure, adhering to the five-year lease agreement that requires the building to be returned as it was.

Wen Li Chang's design for the Leshan Sales Center is a testament to the power of innovative design in transforming spaces and promoting sustainability. The project's success is a testament to the designer's creativity, technical expertise, and commitment to ecological consciousness. It serves as an inspiration for future projects that aim to breathe new life into old structures while promoting environmental sustainability.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wen Li Chang
Image Credits: main Image #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 :Photographer:Yile Interior Design
Project Team Members: Designer: Yi Liang Lin Designer: Wei Hsiang Chang
Project Name: Leshan Sales Center
Project Client: Wen Li Chang

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Leshan Sales Center IMG #5

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